Sunday, September 17, 2006

I saw "The Beast" purely due to the film's poster, which you can see here. In other words, I thought that there would be at least one actress with big, firm boobs in it. But there wasn't at least one actress with big, firm boobs in it and so I am seriously thinking about suing for false advertising. I would be charitable if I were to say that the women in that movie had B cups but I'm not charitable so I won't say that.

I don't think that it should be any surprise to anyone who has seen the poster for this movie to realize that this movie is a catastrophe. I can honestly say that it's one of the most fucked up movies that I have ever seen. This is saying a lot because I have seen quite a few fucked up movies in my day.

What makes this movie so fucked up isn't so much the EXTREMELY graphic sex scenes between a woman and a perpetually ejaculating werewolf, rather, the director uses the excuse that "The Beast" is a surrealist art film and, therefore, he has the artistic license to film such EXTREMELY graphic sex scenes between a woman and a perpetually ejaculating werewolf in order to make a larger, more cerebral point. Thus, underneath it all, he was probably just subconsciously reveling in his own perversity as an outrageous smutmaker who is getting a thrill out of shocking the audience while, at the same time, maintaining the conscious belief that he is some misunderstood genius.

But even worse, "The Beast" can hardly be called an "thinking person's" film, thus adding insult to injury. Though I never felt a burning desire to waste my intellectual muscle in order to decipher the garbled and unsubtle (is that a word?) message that the inane director was trying to get across to the viewer, it didn't take a genius to figure out that he believed that society imposed restrictions on basic human urges, thus, leading to various perversities. In other words, it's just some inane, sophomoric, pseudo-Freudian mumbo jumbo. Don't see this film unless you are into animalism.


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