As far as busty models go, Linsey Dawn McKenzie is one of the most famous. Though she’s primarily known for her nude pictures and videos, she did do one hardcore video with an ex-husband shortly before she retired. She’s won various awards from nude magazines and this means absolutely nothing to me. McKenzie has one child, Luca Scott Mark Williams, born May 2005. That baby never starved to death. On January 5, 2006, Linsey had breast reduction surgery, going from 38HHH to 32DD after her pregnancy. I wonder why? What possible rational explanation is there for this tragic occurrence? Me not likie!

I was thinking about a college experience I had a few years ago. At the time I was living in what is called a “co-op” -- a relic of the 60’s that miraculously persevered to today. A co-op is very similar to a fraternity or sorority in its design but is much more accepting. Guys and girls can join. The co-op is a magnet for hippies because its general concept is to love nature, live peacefully, and think progressively. Many of the usual hippy stereotypes are true in these places. This is probably why I stuck out like a sore thumb. I joined because I didn’t know anybody at the time and I was very lonely. Plus it was an easy way to live economically. $270 a month would pay for food, electricity, water, and housing.

While I was living there, a major bone of contention was the whole ‘being one with nature’ concept. The filthy house that we lived in had a large colony of rats -- probably as a result of the big compost heap in our garden, the garden itself, and the general design of the house. You could hear the little fuckers running around in the walls. Often times at night I would go into the pantry and there would invariably be one or even two rats scuttling around eating fruits or vegetables or whatever they could get their mouths on. Oh, and let’s not forget the little rat craps laying around in such areas. But the people that I was living with had no problem with it.

After several months, it finally reached a boiling point and I independently sought out various medieval rat traps. This caused quite a stir in the co-op. We had what is called a “meeting” -- a weekly ritual to vent and divvy up chores and other such things. I was surprised to learn that me and my roommate (and my only friend at the time) were the only ones who hated the rats and wanted them gone by any means necessary. I was already worked up over various other things so I kind of lost my cool. There was this one guy who just drove me berserk. He was totally unwilling to consider getting rid of the rats and would not listen to reason. I wanted scream in his ears: “WE HAVE DISGUSTING FUCKING RATS LIVING WITH US YOU STUPID FUCKHEAD!!!” I didn’t say this but this general vibe was seeping out of me. At the end of the meeting I realized that it was pretty much a lost cause so I relented ... or so they thought.

Later that night, I conspired with my like-minded friend. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: I’ve about had it with these people. I’m going to kill those rats (the rats, not the people).
Friend: How?
Me: I’m going to call the campus pest control first thing tomorrow morning.
Friend: What are you going to tell our housemates?
Me: Whatever the hell I feel like telling them ... as long as it’s not the truth.
Friend & Me: (laughs)

Sure enough, the next day I made a call to the campus pest control troubleshooters and they came in a hurry because -- as people with common sense -- they knew that having a rat infestation is a major problem. Those guys were all business. Within a week, the walls were deafeningly silent.